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  • 1543
  • Urban Green Infrastructure at Thaltej, Ahmedabad.

Sunita Pankaj Dhote


Urban Green Infrastructure at Thaltej, Ahmedabad.

A. As a continuation of the exercise of Urban Reading of Thaltej, Ahemedabad, it was recognised that the area lacked in Urban Green Infrastructure; no-safe pedestrian movement, no public-spaces, car-driveways parked, rain-water flows, natural water-body negligence. A proposal with controlled-traffic inside the neighbourhood, and public gardens, pedestrian and cyclist movement, urban-groove, street-orientation benefits, rain-water harvest and replenishment of water-body, community car-park, reduced asphalt, street boulevard with bio-swale, are successfully explored.

Report Content

Panel 1: Site Introduction, Analysis and Concerns

Panel 2: Recognition of Demo neighbourhood patch and detailed analysis.

Panel 3: Master plan proposal with site section.

Panel 4: Archi. response - Traffic control and boulevard proposal.

Panel 5: Archi Response - Neighbourhood Street proposal at two locations

Panel 6: Neighbourhood Street proposal at two location, urban groove proposal, water body conversion into an educational energy park.

Panel 7: Safe Pedestrian and cyclist movement, Storm water proposal and Water harvesting at residential level.

Panel 7: Three study models