• How do I reference images and text on my slides?

    While uploading slides in the Manage Projects section on your dashboard, note that each slide’s thumbnail appears with two checkboxes next to it. Check the second one that carries the message ‘This slide is completely or partially referenced from’, and add the source in the field below. Follow standard MLA style of referencing.

    In case that a single slide carries multiple references, label the data on the slide numerically or alphabetically (this has to be done in Powerpoint, Photoshop, etc.) and add the references in the field below in the same order. 
    Separate citations with semicolons.

    Since this platform is a permanent archive that is also slated for a public launch soon, it is important to carefully scan each of your slides for anything that should be referenced. 

  • Our studio output for this semester is mostly group work. Can I upload those slides? My individual work stands incomplete without these.

    The idea of uploading work individually is not to discourage you from uploading group work but to give each of you the opportunity to curate and present a project using individual judgement. Since you have a limited number of slides to present the entire semester's work in, each one of you should have the freedom to decide for yourself which aspects of a project get prominence over others. This depends on your area of interest and expertise.

    As mentioned in the answer to the previous question, each slide’s thumbnail appears with two checkboxes on the student dashboard. The first one of these carries the message ‘this slide was created as part of a group exercise’. The slides for which this checkbox is checked, will carry a group symbol on the front end. There is no upper limit on the number of collectively created slides a project can have.

  • Am I expected to upload my work in one go, at the end of the semester? Or I can do so at regular intervals during the semester, as and when I wrap up each stage? 

    This platform will be opened for uploading in the early part of each semester, which will be accompanied with an email notification. This allows you to add slides, review them, come back and edit them and build each project over 3 - 4 months. A deadline will be set in alignment with your end of semester jury.