Anuja J


Crazy man's Garden

One man revealed the pleasure he derived from gardening and his accomplishments, especially emphasising the social aspects,
 ' Last summer I packed into a flower bed at my front garden tobacco plants, petunias.... there was not an inch of soil to be seen by mid June and the results were most rewarding in a round bed measuring 12 foot across. I had packed in 200 plants with enormous success. It was a bed of colour and I could see passersby admiring it. . . . I have always tried to produce a colourful garden for passers by to enjoy, one that attracts their attention. . . . my front garden has been my showpiece, whilst my back garden has been my workplace' 
I am here to translate his dream into reality ,the image that he has in his mind, the colours of it, variations, moods and the setting created by the constructed green.  

Report Content

Study on existing landscape typologies of Ahmedabad with the help if photographs. Plan drawn from the images of inspiration. Selected landscape typology and its plan done to continue with the exercise.

Landscape design done for a plot of 100X100metre area with the landscape elements picked from the image of inspiration.

Landscape design done for a plot of 100X100metre area with the landscape elements picked from the image of inspiration.

Design intent: Exploring the idea of 'texture created by movement of water ' as the key idea for the landscape design

Varied landscape textures created using clay(Option 1)

Varied landscape textures created using clay(Option 2)

Design Development

the identified plantation detail to construct the landscape.