Dhavalkumar Dasadia


Ambulance Stretcher / Bed

The Project Brief was to design a piece of furniture, which will help to  reduce the problem  of  Over-Crowding in Casualty . At the same time, it can improve the quality of the environment as well. Generally, The process of Picking casually from site to hospital ward includes, casualty shifting  to ambulance Stretcher then From ambulance Stretcher to normal ones ,and again to the bed as patient reach the hospital room. Therefore, it has  features of bed in emergency case as well as ambulance stretcher. It  includes loading-unloading Mechanism, as well as Fowler position, which is created by providing pillow. 

Report Content

Understanding of Casualty Trauma Center (VS Hospital)

Leverage Points

Deciding New Features and Dimensions Stretcher/ Bed

Stretcher/Bed Drawings

Detail Views

Base Frame Work

In the Making...

Final Prototype