Patel Shipra Ashokkumar


Service Improvement of SWM in Bhuj

The project briefs about collection and transportation service of solid waste in Bhuj and the current flaws with the same. The contractual flaws and improper management lead to littering and unhygienic condition in the city. The study tried to improve the situation by reforming the type of contract and its condition with proper monitoring mechanism of contractual services. The financing needs was calculated for the proposed situation with a better cost recovery mechanism to overcome the payment issues of contractors and effectively manage the system. Solid Waste Management

Report Content

Present D2D contractual situation and its Flaws

Present Street Sweeping Contractual situation and its flaws

Analysis of Manpower and infrastructure requirements based on MSWM

Proposed collection and monitoring mecahnism

Monitoring Mecahnism

Comparing suitability of preferred contract for Bhuj

Obligations of proposed contract

Proposed Contractual type and condition

Financing Mechanism for service management

Options for cost recovery and penalties