Anjali Chaudhari


Area planning Studio- Shahpur Ward

The aim of the studio was to develop a comprehensive plan for the ward, understanding the present issues and potentials. Shahpur, situated in eastern part of Ahmadabad with a mix of Old city, Industrial and chaali area and newer development in Shahibaugh area. Its diversity was observed in many such aspects, which we wanted to retain with the development. But the development in the TOD area has started destroying the identity of the ward. So a careful redevelopment method of 'conservative surgery' was adopted for redeveloping in bits and pieces to support the development in inclusive manner.

Report Content

Cover page

Aim and Introduction to ward

Vison and Comprehensive plan

Proposal: Improving Walkability

Proposal: Vibrant open spaces

Proposal: Managing waste

Proposal: Reorganizing land Use

Proposal: Identifying Redevelopment areas

Proposal: Identifying Redevelopment areas

Proposal: Regulating Development in TOD & CBD through Regulation