Uttra Dasgupta


Ward Plan for Paldi, Ahmedabad

Paldi is the first settlement across the river Sabarmati after the construction of Ellis Bridge to connect the eastern side of the city to the west. Also with time, there have been very important interventions by the State like that of infusion of the BRTS corridor and Metro Rail project in the city which strategically pass the ward. The city also has an ambitious riverfront development project along both sides of the river, of which the ward again forms an important part. It has two highly commercial streets adjacent to it (north and west), namely Ashram road and CG road. Hence, it is very interesting to see the transformations in the area and its tremendous potential. After understanding these aspects it was understood that it is imperative for the ward to envision a compact development. To achieve this, specific objectives were identified and detailed out as projects.

Report Content

Introduction to the ward along with the methodology adopted and the Vision

The connections of the ward to the city and the objectives to compliment the envisioned compact development in the ward

Findings from various surveys undertaken

Public parking norms in the TOD zone

On- street Public parking norms in the TOD zone

Off- street Public parking norms in the TOD zone

Identification of desire lines of movement

Regularising the urban vendor

Regularising the urban vendor

Costing for projects identified