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Harsh Jashvantbhai Patel



To develop urban transport infrastructure for an Indian city (Surat), focus on analysing existing situation and developing design solutions. The project focused on identifying problem areas in the city and redesigning those areas to address the prevailing problems.

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Issues in Surat

This section has residential land use on both sides considering this section of the total length of road it is 76.902km across the city. A carriage way of 7m both sides is provided. A NMT zone of 2m wide footpath and 2m wide cycle track at same level of street level. Also we have provided table top (at same level of dedicated NMT) when a bus stop approaches so that pedestrian can easily cross the road. We have also provided bollards, a short post used to prevent traffic from entering the lane

This section has residential use on one side and commercial use on other side of road this section of the total length of road it is 5.643km across the city. On residential side, it is provide same as describe in previous case. On the commercial side more pedestrian and shop users so that provided Shared lane it is 4m.Here flow of pedestrian walking will be more than cyclist because of commercial area.In commercial side, parking is require for customers and shop owner to park their vehicles.

This section has residential use on one side and industrial use on other side of road this section of the total length of road it is 8.045km across the city. In industrial side provided service lane it is 3.5m because safer loading/unloading of commercial vehicles. When the bus stop approaches, service lanes merges with carriageway for merging & diverging of traffic. Also we have provided of 1.5m wide footpath and 2m wide cycle track at same level of street level.

As it is a 24m BRT lane, the total length of it is 2.467 km. which contain BRTS lane of 3 m. BRTS stop is 3.5 m wide and 40 m length. So that at a time two bus can board on station. From table top to reach the BRT stop and ramp is provided for ease of pedestrian. Whenever bus stop is there, the carriageway reduces to 3.5m and then 5.5m as provided. Non-motorize transport zone of 3.3 m wide Shared lane

Katargam area having both side mixed use land use and at intersection having lots of conflict.