Kavitha Raghunath


Service Operations Management

The studio focused on improvement of service delivery and operations in the Regional Transport Office (RTO) of Ahmedabad. The RTO is responsible for the management of vehicle registration and control of vehicular pollution. The tools utlilized to analyse the registration services of vehicles in RTO were: process profile worksheets, SIPOC charts, RACI matrix and swimlane diagram. Based on the analysis issues were identified and proposals were made to address issues in the existing service delivery of the registration processes in RTO. The project here explains the study of the vehicle inspection system and proposals for the same.

Report Content


Existing Process of Inspection Services

Issue Identification

Proposal for Inspection Centres

Technology for Inspection Services

Online Application System for Vehicle Inspection

Swimlane Diagram of Proposed Process

Comparison between Existing and Proposed Processes

Comparison between Existing and Proposed Processes

Comparison between Existing and Proposed Processes