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  • Service Operations Management RTO- Ahmedabad

Vadanere Manish Prakash


Service Operations Management RTO- Ahmedabad

Motor Vehicle Department of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORTH), Govt. of India is responsible for monitoring Motor vehicles and drivers; and taking road safety initiatives in India. For its execution, each State and Union Territory has a network of the Regional Transport Offices (RTOs). Due to exponential growth in the economy and vehicles, pressure of RTOs has risen significantly in last decade. Application of information and communication technology (ICT) has been instrumental in metamorphosis of each sector including government. Motor Vehicles Department is one of the most important departments which provide different services to various stakeholders of different age groups. A registration certificate is a special document which is required in order to enable motor vehicle on road. It is one of the most coveted documents to be possessed by a person holding a vehcile. Many times, it is the first interface of a common person with the government. Motor vehicle is today a symbol of upward mobility of a citizen As a case, Regional Transport Office is studied as the service and operations of Regional Transport Office, Ahmadabad and propose measures to improve its service quality for the citizens. The old process was both time consuming and hassle-prone. Its major focus was therefore to make it convenient to the citizen to obtain his licence. In order to improve convenience for the user, RTO at Ahmedabad was modernized. Increased vehicle population has put tremendous strain on the existing resources of the department which caters to the needs of the public under the Motor Vehicles Act. The main functions of RTO include: Registration of Motor vehicle and subsequent changes in the details of registration during its’ life cycle;

Report Content

Introduction to Studio Project

Statistical data & Analysis of Applications processed by Ahmadabad RTO

In order with to man hours wasted of the applicants, amount of man-hours wasted are calculated by amount of population coming and multiplied it by time being wasted for them for getting the services availed

Root cause analysis was done through fishbone analysis

Long term Proposal

The Long term Proposal will have new online process and least physical presence of applicant at RTO

copy paste the link into your web browser view the videos :- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-OCYsQOW7mdyIhEBYeMAQ7YJNqEVMar-

Targets achieved from long term Proposals

Summary of Proposals

Conclusion of Studio