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  • Services Operation and Management of RTO Gandhinagar

Tulsi Lashkari


Services Operation and Management of RTO Gandhinagar

Services Operation and Management studio gave us an opportunity to look into various indispensable services in the urban sector that had a scope for improvement in terms of back-hand operations, service delivery and user experience. Being given the topic of ARTO Gandhinagar, the group first identified issues through observations and customer surveys and used service management tools like Swimlane, RACI, SIPOC etc. to analyze the same. The ultimate goal that the group wanted to achieve was on reducing the waiting time, easing the process for the applicant, spreading awareness and enhancing the service delivery for the ARTO.

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Brief introduction about the studio exposure, general introduction about RTO and specifics of ARTO Gandhinagar.

In the Swimlane, the Y axis showcases the involvement of the stakeholders and the X axis indicated the time taken for each process for service delivery and waiting. The red arrows show the backward movement causing a lag in the system. Two major observations included 1) a lot of backward movement due to unavailability of documents and 2) that the waiting time was much higher than service delivery time.

A similar swim-lane for getting a drivers license.

Through queuing we know how many people we want in the system and by changing the facilities layout we have created a stramlined flow for the people. Now we must ensure that they move according to the newly created system and in a fashion that the system wants, but which is also easy for them Starting with entry barriers to eliminate the unwanted crowd in the premises. This will be followed by a premlimanry document check to ensure that that person has the required documents failing which he i

This is an example of the output of information that the token machine would give us like the total time it took for a customer, number of customer for each service and so on. Major issues will be solved if this entire system is incorporated like removal of agents within the premises through entry restrictions and rather serving the customer on first in first out basis. It also helps the employee focus more on their task rather than managing their line. Data stored in the system can later be ana

All the proposals we made and all the efforts that the RTO/ARTO is doing to improve the service is futile, if the same is not conveyed to the prospective clients. There is a need to create a positive RTO in the minds of the internal staff to motivate them and external applicant to try the service on their own. Hence a need for a communication plan that conveys to the people that it will take less time at the RTO due to easy process and full guidance available at the site.

This shows the various tools that RTO can use to reinforce its brand and create a positive image in the minds of the people once it has become more efficient. Use of social media would not be costly and can each a lot of people simultaneously, especially aiming the youngsters. A campaign called RTOMAKESITEASY can be floated around. If possible, they can also go for mass messages on reminders of renewals and new licenses showcasing their eagerness to serve customers.

MUDA essentially means wasteful and all kind of organizations try to reduce them. Our efforts were aimed at reducing the MUDA pf unnecessary motion (spaghetti movement), waiting, transportation(logistics) and finally over-processing(i.e. multiple check, signs and efforts).

This is kind of a way forward that the ARTO can look into with the changes it is planning in the future. Currently a person can apply to an RTO/ARTO only in the area in which he resides or carries his business. When SARATHI 4 will be implented in Gujarat, people would be allowed to apply anywherein Gujarat. This opportunity can be used to shif more number of people from highly dense areas like Ahmedabad to the lesser used and lesser dense area of Gandinagar by attracting them thorough the option

This are certain examples from what other countries around the world are doing for licensing. Several states in the US allow the online test t be taken from home. Most of the counrties like germany prefer taking a driving test on road rather than a track in vatious conditions like different weather, at night and so on. Also, most of the countries try to make their tests more diificult, with defined training and sensitizing them in order to put only the more careful and considerate people who fol