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  • Services & operations Management of ARTO Gandhinagar

Anoop Khajuria


Services & operations Management of ARTO Gandhinagar

An case study has been taken to study the service operations & lean management. The site for studio project was ARTO Gandhinagar and we focused only on licensing part only. The various issues observed on  site are agent consultation by customer to complete the process, repetitive activities ( documents submission), queue management, lack of signages etc. To make the system efficient and citizen centric, Ease of information has been proposed so as to facilitate availability and accessibility of information. The proposal has four prompt strategies under Ease of information which are listed below Tutorial videos,FAQ’s, Appointment letter and Computer room.

Report Content

Introduction to RTO


The RACI tool helped us in finding various things like stakeholder’s involvement, Responsibility & accountability shared in each process. From the table we inferred 5 things which are 1. To get the things done easily and quickly, customer consults the agents (Illegitimate stakeholder) at various stages during the process, for which customer is paying extra 2. Physical verification is done by AIMV, so there is need to maintain the authenticity of physical verification by involving a new stak

3. ARTO is not involved in monitoring of drive test, so whole accountability of drive test is lies with silver touch 4. After the license get dispatched through post, the customer is not informed. 5. It is important to have user perspective to enhance service quality, for that there is a need to have Feedback mechanism which is missing here

Process Profile Worksheet 1

Process Profile Worksheet 2

Availability of information and ease of accessing information are two prime important things, which needs to be provided to citizens. Whenever the information is in the form of written content people don’t find it easy, so generally they tend to skip the written kind of information, so the group thought that tutorial videos would be interesting option to explore. There would be five videos to be displayed, out of which two videos will be displayed at websites and three videos will be displayed

Along with Tutorial videos there would be some FAQ’s which would also be on the website. These FAQ’s are predesigned questions and these are normal questions which people generally have. These FAQ’s will provide guidance to the people so that they would not get lost during the process. The Parivahan website has introduced FAQ’s but some parameters which we have proposed are listed in the table.

In current scenario many people forget to take required documents to ARTO at the day of appointment or people take wrong documents along them, which leads to delays in process and customer gets dissatisfied. In order to provide ease of information to customer there is a need to have check list to be printed on provisional appointment letter.

From RACI tool the group inferred that in most of the processes customer consults agents in order to save time and fill online form quickly and correctly, customer consults agents. People who don’t know how to apply for license they go ARTO . There is a need to have a computer room in ARTO premises at entrance. The smart chip employees will sit there and he will help the customers in various things like • getting the desired appointment date and time, which will be free of cost • filling