Bhargav Pandit


Godrej Garden City, Ahmedabad

Godrej Garden City is an integrated residential township planned under Gujarat Integrated Township Policy, located in jagatpur village of Ahmedabad. Considering 50% occupancy in the upcoming year(2018) and up to 90% by next 3 years, facilities management plan has been proposed for 1st year and 3rd year for Godrej Garden City, in order to enhance the functionality and efficiency of the facilities. Moreover, the human resource and finance associated with the management plan is also analyzed. Services including Pest & Rodent Control and Event Management have been analyzed in detail herein.

Report Content

Proposed Anti Larval Operations

Proposed Indoor Spraying of Insecticides

Fogging Procedure and Comparison Study

Proposed Operational Plan for Fogging and Monitoring Aids

Proposed Operational Plan for Fogging

Proposed Fogger Machine and Expenditure for Proposed Fogging Procedure

Proposed Rodent Control Measures

List of Events and Proposed Areas for Organizing Events

Proposed Areas for Outsider's Parking and Prerequisites for Organizing Events

Proposed Regulations for Event Management