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  • Godrej Garden City - Fire Safety System and Housekeeping

Shah Divija Prashant Swarupa


Godrej Garden City - Fire Safety System and Housekeeping

The project focuses on observing the current working of Fire Safety System and the Housekeeping services, looking for issues in those services and coming up with management proposals (Scope of work, Daily/weekly/monthly/yearly schedule and Costing) respectively.

Report Content

Fire Safety System - Observation on site

Fire Safety System - Proposal (Evacuation plan)

Fire Safety System - Proposal (Scope of work and Schedule)

Housekeeping Services - Organization structure

Housekeeping Services - Current Working

Housekeeping Services - Proposal

Housekeeping Services - Proposal (Scope of work)

Housekeeping Services - Proposal (Daily Timetable)

Housekeeping Services - Proposal (Road Sweeping Machine for Year 3)

Housekeeping Services - Proposal (Finances)