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  • Police academy - sewage treatment and solar plant

Gandhi Axaykumar Chandresh


police academy - sewage treatment and solar plant

Police Training Academy- Stake holder Analysis. Solar Power Plant:- Learning current Electrical supply and consumption, Issues at present solar power plant & Proposal for new Power plant with Maintenance schedule and Financial Analysis. Sewage treatment Plant:- Observations for O&M of STP, tender study for STP, Identification of issues, Financial Analysis & Proposal. Swimming Pool:- Literature study for O&M of Olympic size swimming pool. Brief intro to all facilities and its O&M issues. Improved soft skills and learn to co-ordinate in groups. Olympic size Swimming Pool:- taking this unique facility i did the literature study for the operations and maintenance of the pool.

Report Content

stake holder analysis

current process followed in sewage treatment plant

tender document study

cost for treatment and disinfection

Government initiative for solar Power plant

Potential to generate Solar power and proposal

Operation and maintenance

Process of subsidy from MNRE:

loan structure

Maintenance schedule