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  • Detailed Feasibility Study for Freight System In Surat

Abhansha Somvanshi


Detailed Feasibility Study for Freight System In Surat

The Studio exercise aimed to understand and prepare a detailed feasibility report for the projects on Freight for Surat. The exercise was done in the studio by 15 students with preliminary data collection , data analysis and project identification as first stage. Later the projects identified were detailed out by groups of 5 students in which this project is the integration and shifting of CONSOLIDATION-DISTRIBUTION center facilitating the consolidation and distribution of the goods at one location for Surat City.The overall project feasibility was studied in regards to area required,location ,design financial and economical viability for the same.

Report Content

The structuring of the studio exercise for approach and methodology to proceed

study of the basic terminologies and concept of freight system

understanding the city based on demographic and economic profile to identify data sources and key stake holders

Study of Railway mode as a freight carrier

Details of the commodities transported through freight, comparison of road and rail mode for goods movement and future proposals in railways

Selecting the most important commodity in terms of externalities caused due to its goods movement

The project identified , introduction and area calculations

The model and the assumptions for the project and assessment of financial vialbility

Expenses and revenue sources for the transport operators over the years

Financial model , profit and loss and outcomes of financial assessment