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  • FA
  • 1581
  • A. Neighbourhood Design B. Street Design

Sunita Pankaj Dhote


A. Neighbourhood Design B. Street Design

A. The neighbouhood site at Jivraj Park,Ahmedabad is majorly a vacant land with EWS housing sprawls inside, was initially a green belt area now has been converted into residential zone. Challenge: to have a Social Neighbourhood proposal  with is the vision, looking at 1. site context: pedestrian friendly, comfortable, safe, secure, attractive, adaptive and sustainable environment for inhabitants and, 2. site opportunity: existing site edge conditions, rehabilitation of existing EWS housing, proposed metro line infrastructure response, natural condition and NS orientation.  B. Average width 100m S.G. Highway is explored to utilize its width to its advantage to get Greener Environment.

Report Content

Neighbourhood Design Panel 1: Site Context, Concept and Strategies

Neighbourhood Design Panel 2: Proposed Neighbourhood Design- Master Plan and Urban Form

Neighbourhood Design Panel 3: Master plan in layer - Analysis of Proposal

Neighbourhood Design Panel 4: Site Sections, Detail of a zone, Character Study and Street Sections

Neighbourhood Design Panel 5: Study Model for two separate parts in site

Street Design 1: Context and Analysis

Street Design 2: Analysis

Street Design 3: Analysis

Street Design 4: Proposal