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  • 1581
  • Street Design and Neighbourhood Design

Bhagyasshree Ramakrishna


Street Design and Neighbourhood Design

STREET DESIGN Ashram road, running parallel to the riverfront project, is being developed as the destination street for developing Ahmedabad. The increase in FSI, in the commercial and institutional stretch requires mixed uses of various recreational activities. The idea was to transform the image of the street to a more pedestrian-active zone.  NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN The progress of our cities are manifest in its rapid and continuous expansion of cities; pushing the boundaries of its peripheral greenbelt areas. These vast stretches of urban form is resulting into continuous and monotonous cities. The crucial need to break the homogeneity, addressing the nature of transforming metro cities, and invite diverse heterogeneity. This project thus aims to generate urban forms that are homogeneous-concentration of a set of activities that help develop a distinct identity- addressing the needs of the site, yet allows transformation for flexible urban change, in terms of its, building typologies, building heights, street characteristic, street views and street hierarchy.

Report Content

Site Data and Context

Site Analysis, Case-Studies and Conceptual Design

Masterplan, Part Plan and section

Site Context, Analysis and Design Strategies

Illustrative Masterplan for the Neighbourhood and its layers

Area of Intervention and Site Sections

Street sections, Strategies and views