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Pandya Bhargavi Jitendra


Information, Education and Communication Campaign

In the ward management outreach plans from government to ctizens play a very crucial role to increase the connectivity of the governement soecially at the ward level with the grass root level. This IEC campaign is in context with the Waste Segregation Drive which is to be initiated from 5th June 2017 on occasion of World Environemnt Day by Swacch Bharat Mission to take a step towards waste segregation across country and in solid waste management. This IEC campaign will be helpful to educate and aware people on the drive, the importance and purpose and achieve mission of Clean India.

Report Content

Importance and Topic of IEC Camapign

Target Audience and Communication Channels

Identification of Stakeholders

Resource Base development

Resource Mobilization

Interdepartmental integration of IEC Campign

Resource base for dustbin distribution

Timeline of IEC Campaign

Waste Segregation Game

Financial Model