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  • Infrastructure Development Planning Studio

Anjali Chaudhari


Infrastructure Development Planning Studio

The main aim of the studio was to develop a City Infrastructure Plan which is well integrated with the existing land-use, reinforced with the spatial and sectoral strategies in Infrastructure sector. It was achieved by understanding the provision through various typologies, then understanding the needs of city through surveys and discussion with stakeholders and the last phase involved the making of comprehensive plan for the city planning understand the present growth and plan for future growth. Further detailed projects were made for pilot areas to check the implementation possibility of the sectoral plans.

Report Content

Understanding the city

Studying the existing land use of the city

Synthesizing the issues in odor to make strategies

Visualizing Mahesana 2031, Understanding growth pattern and rate

Comprehensive plan with sectoral strategies

Detailed Project: Core city revitalization

Understanding the root cause of issue and interventions

Understanding the existing street situation

Street and Chowk interventions

What we achieve from interventions