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  • Infrastructure Development Studio : Ports

Shrutaswinee Hazarika


Infrastructure Development Studio : Ports

Development of a greenfield port along the coast of Gujarat began with the selection of an ideal location based on various hydrological and infrastructural parameters. Data collection, Hydrographic survey, Elimination of prohibited and ecologically sensitive areas, Understanding market share and Traffic projections oriented the working methodology of this project. Based on the analysis and the results obtained we developed a master plan for the proposed port along with the financial feasibility report.

Report Content


After identification of the most crucial parameters, we ranked them in accordance to their importance. ArcGIS tool was used to select the most suitable site.

Selected site: Vadodara Dodiya

Based on connectivity and the demand of the local hinterland the commodities were selected.

Site analysis

Area calculations

Based on the expected bulk cargo, the storage area was calculated.

Phases of port development

Capital Expenditure
