Abhijit Ashish Sharma


SGSTP Port at Varvala

The Objective of this Project was to identify a suitable location on the coast of Gujarat for the development of a seaport, design the port and determine the financial feasibility of the proposed port.The overall Methodology adopted was:-Identification of parameters for stretch selection and collection of data-Elimination of  prohibited areas and assigning weightage to remaining areas and selection of a village with the help of GIS.-  Analysing country’s sea trade statistics and assessing the need for building the chosen port type.-Design of Port components and layout.-Determining the financial feasibility of the proposed port.

Report Content

Overall Methodology.

Port Type Selection Methodology.

Understanding the Scope of Containers in India.

International Case studies for reference.

What is Transhipment? Its Need. And understanding Hub and Spoke port.

Methodology for Designing the port.

Future Cargo Projection.

Design of various Port components.

Defining what is SGSTP?

Summary And Conclusion.