Patel Chandni Bhailalbhai


Emerging Episodes

 “ It is always ceaselessly evolving. It is the past, the present, and the future. All changes respond to it and it can be perceived in many forms in our surroundings. The only neutral witness in nature. - It is time. ”
 The Aravalli mountain ranges have settled a long time ago. However, the Sajjangarh forest lying in this range has been continuously undergoing a gradual change. Today, the forest lies as a protected area. What remains now as a barren land has been a part of the forest, which due to human civilization has been reduced to its current state. 
There exists thereby an opportunity to bring the forest into the portion of the occupied land by proposing cluster of important species identified from forest as pockets of regeneration as per the habitat conditions. The process and events then may take days, months, years or even decades. These are varying time periods, which can be perceived as episodes. These episodes are interconnected and hence, form a layer system. These pockets of regeneration will flourish and be taken over by the forest. Hence, this landemerges with episodes over the period of time and helps increase the biodiversity. 

Report Content

Decoding forest - Understanding smaller system of the larger system

Decoding forest - Understanding forest grain

Section of the Gir forest

Design project - Emerging Episodes - Forest Experiences, Narrations, Manifestation, Models

Understanding forest layers - Addressing forest

Site analysis - Addressing site

Proposed system plans - Process

Proposed Plan

Proposed cross section

Succession stages & future possibility