M Aakash Bala Saravanan


Channeling water, life n order

STUDIO INFO There are places, the organization of which make you feel more alive and freer. And there are places, the organization of which deprives you of any feeling of life. The studio unit will focus on transforming life-depriving places into life-enhancing ones. Places that come about as a result of a shared existence. Where different life forms partake of each other, help each other.THE MOSQUE EDGE IN BHADRA SQUARE is an urban void whose depriving state of being has been attempted to be transformed into a dense field of active centers earlier latent in their chrysalis, disordered.

Report Content

study of chosen depriving spots

stages of transforming centers in Bhadra

part 2 of sarkhej exercise

Plan of last stage

section of last stage

axonometric drawings showing transformed centers

understanding the site through emotional lenses

understanding the site through non visual senses

measure drawing and conjecturing possible evolution trajectory of the spot

breaking down the site into its constituent centers of life