Aastha Prakash Maheshwari


Healing through Architecture

Too often we forget the importance of a touch, a holding hand, a conversation.  The project is an attempt to initiate a dialogue on mental health by having a center which brings people together by generating various activities. Using nature as a positive distracter, the project ceases to re-establish the stigma. The body's ability to self-heal when put into positive healing environments is the principle backing up the project. The built, completely encapsulated in nature,  is an elemental assembly of planes which guide movement and weave a journey. Considering the trees present on site as the most important resource, each decision has been made to respect the same. Away from city chaos, this center acts as a escape from daily routine. 

Report Content


Site analysis

Idea collage

Spatial narrative

Weaving a journey

Design Development

Plan at 2 mtrs and -0.7 mtrs respectively


Exploded view

Model images