Shreya Kumar



Khadia located in the World Heritage City of Ahmedabad. We had taken a LAP approach for this area. There were two sides of this approach i.e looking at the heritage buildings of the precincts which had very high heritage values ( which needs to be conserved for future).After the private realm was taken into account we looked at the public realm which needs to spruce up and character needs to be enhanced, that actually is the heart of khadia.

Report Content

site context and introduction

Major pols inKhadia

Heritage zone in DP

Khadia site of Contrary elements

Conceptual Approach and Vision

Characteristics of Shamlani Oil and Dhal Ni Pol

Public Realm intervention for Dhal ni Pol as well as Shamlani Pol

Pulbic Realm intervention in Makeri Wad

Intervention for Astodia Edge

Master Plan