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  • Instrumentation Monitoring and Management

Ayaz Jiwa


Instrumentation Monitoring and Management

The purpose of instrumentation and monitoring is to provide early warning through regular or continuous monitoring for any excessive and undue ground movements affecting the adjoining premises within the zone of influence of construction. This allows for implementation of preventive and/or remedial actions well within time.
Monitoring ensures determination of existing ground, structure and pore-water pressure movements and trends prior to commencement of construction and also to check that the parameters such as settlements, wall lateral movements, and strut/anchor loads, bottom heave etc. are within allowable limits. If exceeded, construction methodology might be changed as a remedial measure. Thus monitoring provides assurance in the construction process.

Report Content

Project Detail

Introduction - Instrumentation

Purpose of Instrumentation

Organisation for instrumentation

Process for the Activity

Location plan for instruments

Instrument - Bi-Flex Reflector

Instrument- Crack Meter

Monitoring schedule

Limits for monitoring