


This project deals with the implications of a world where food becomes more important than wealth, on architecture.  How would society function and be organized? Now that human standards are subjected to food production, how would spaces evolve in a world like this. Following the project outline which is 'Live, Work, Play', through visualization, i developed these live, work and play spaces accordingly and also determined the parameters that would govern the form and quality of them. Using different tools to visualize, i developed these spaces which will be shown in the project with my process. 

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building the context

This introduces the context of the project and also shows the calculations i arrived at to derive a relationship between plants, human and space (in terms of area) in a world where plants have become the primary concern in space making.

The image shows the initial 'Live' units i visualized using a pragmatic approach to the relationship between plant and human. Also, i explored how one would live among these plantations.

The next 2 images depict the visualization of the 'live' and 'work' units keeping in mind the plantations.

plantation typology and openings.

visualized the spaces using mediums such as line drawings using pen and collages.

what would 'play' units look like and how much would plants occupy in these spaces?

once we visualized these spaces individually, we had to visualize how it would occupy 40,000sqm, and this was done in the form of a time problem as the focus was still 'visualizing' the organization and not actually getting into the planning and organization approach to design.

spatial quality of the visualized spaces.

few collages