Vedika Madhu Pillai



Unit Brief This studio is premised on the belief that urban design proposals developed through careful and inclusive community participation, are likely to lead to more successful and contextually appropriate design solutions. To understand how urban design proposals developed with community participation differ from those developed without such participation, the studio will be centered on addressing two questions : How might participatory processes influence urban design proposals ? And how might a participatory urban design process be carried out ? The studio will cover the concept of 1. Conceptualize, formulate, and conduct participatory urban design exercises such as dialogues, neighborhood walks, participatory photomapping, participatory collages, etc., towards gathering experiences, needs and aspirations of people living and working at the site. 2. Build a physical site model, which while being representative of physical and spatial features of the site, also becomes a tool for community members to express their needs and aspirations during participatory design exercises. 3. Collect and analyze data for various spatial, demographic and infrastructural parameters such as built-form, socio- economic diversity, cultural practices, mobility, basic services, etc., through site observations as well as through talking to people, and present the analysis through diagrams and drawings 4. Generate urban design visualizations – plans, elevations & axonometric views – at various scales (1:2000, 1:1000, 1:500) 

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Time problem

Time problem

Time problem