Krupa Ashokkumar Patel


Terrain-Vague Bricollage

Module 1 : Imagining Post-Huminist Urban Condition Pick an iconic architectural example from anywhere in the world. Map/Illustrate the present day human condition and activity, against the backdrop of the chosen example Deconstruct the building to imagine it in 2500 AD. Module 2 : Mapping Redundancies locate network of urban ruins and abandoned sites in Ahmedabad . Through analysis we found three abandoned mills which were free accessible. After locating them westarted in groups to map one of the mills in their urban context. For the representation we used collage technique. Every group member did for one analyzed topic an individual collage. Module 3(a) : Catalougue contains the analysis for the design intervention. Module 3(b) : Bricollage Design Develop a design brief for a selected site Synthesize observations at urban and local scale represented in BRICOLAGE module to identify a potential site and develop a program Propose a post-humanist remodeling of the industrial remnants of an abandoned mill into a place for an urban dweller—shared office spaces, or artists’collectives—interlaced with urban agriculture .

Report Content

Module 1

Module 2

Module 2

Module 2

Module 3(a)

Module 3(a)

Module 3(a)

Module 3(a)

Module 3(a)

Module 3(b)