Vallari Rajasuba



THE BREAK OUT LOFT , A RECREATIONAL SPACE FOR THE PEOPLE  WORKING IN CORPORATE OFFICES". The space to take a break from regular working environment & enter within the relaxing and collaborative working & non working mode of life . "LOFT" word itself mean  The upper most area of building while over here it has been converted into collaborative studio . Different kinds of area has been dedicated according to different activities being carried out.Hence " THE BREAK OUT LOFT IS PERFECT TO TAKE A BREAK FROM YOUR COMPUTER SCREENS & ENJOY THE LIFE OUT OF IT .

Report Content

Program Demographics

Design Criteria , Site and Survey Analysis

Grid Modulation , Spatial Zoning

Conceptual Description, Construction Assembly Elements and Formation

Furniture Layout , Elevations

Sectional Elevations

Construction Details

Visuals - Module 1

Visuals - Module 2

Visuals - Module 3