Linda Reeba Koshy


Pause. Play.

Precinct 9, Naroda which is the subject of this portfolio is moving from its 40 year cryostasis to a state of rapid redevelopment. The precinct developed due to post-partition migration and GIDC Industrial estate. It became saturated by 1980s and since then there has been very minimal growth. The BRTS scheme announced 2009 has brought a resurgence to the precinct. The portfolio has been named PAUSE. PLAY as it aims to unearth the indicators of change and predict the new wave of development. Periods of reduced activity has been marked with a PAUSE icon and changes have been indicated with a PLAY icon.   

Report Content

Introduction to Precinct 9, Naroda

Landmarks of the Precinct

Transformation of the Precinct

Determinants of Transformation

Transit Oriented Zone

Disappearing Public Spaces

Roads: Condition Assessment

Housing Stock

Population Density
