Anirudh Soni



‘UNDERSTANDING THE CITY ’ is disclosing the facts and concepts of the existence of a city through a journey of collecting information, identifying its values to get a better understanding of different aspects which made the existence of city possible. Ahmedabad is studied for this understanding in the form of a studio under the guidance of various professionals in the field of urban planning, urban design, economics as well as geography. Their guidance through this highly interactive process of foundation studio made it possible to make a complete analysis of a city in planning perspective. Outcomes presented in this portfolio are the result of site-based study through weekly exercises clubbed together to form a bigger picture of the city. Understanding the city as an ‘ORGANISM’ is figured out by identifying the layers of a city (or parts of city organism) which defines the city and identifying the core characteristics (DNA) of a city which is the reason for existance of all the cities. 

Report Content

Consumption pattren observed on site

Travel behavior on the basis of household surveys

Informal economy relation with streets

Understanding the informal economy

Conclusion 1

Conclusion 2

Understanding Builtform

Description of urban movement network

Land characteristics

Mapping urban infrastructure