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  • 4669-4
  • An Elegance in the Complexity of Shaher Kotda

Driver Berjis Kali Anahita


An Elegance in the Complexity of Shaher Kotda

To study a part of the city which is aged and brimming with history and heritage: Shaher Kotda presented a valuable opportunity to learn the logistics of an undisturbed, centrally located, village-like locale of Ahmedabad city. Therein, it was of immense interest to observe and synthesize the everyday economics of predominant, low-income household groups residing in the locality with the physical components of urban land use and planning. In this regard, the findings have demonstrated aspects of inclusivity and sustainability, but if anything, the quantitative data suggested an imminent need for a planning intervention to preserve the status quo composition of Shaher Kotda. This would ensure a sense of continuum for locals, given that a major transit station proposed onsite would inevitably bring forth redevelopment of existing infrastructure and alter the unique, fine grain characteristics of the locale. Where it still lacks in several qualitative aspects, there is no doubt that when viewed en-masse, an elegance exists in the age-old complexity of Shaher Kotda, which makes it a truly unique part of Ahmedabad City.

Report Content

Portfolio Cover


Understanding Shaher Kotda

Land Use & Building Characteristics - I

Land Use & Building Characteristics - II

Assessing Living Conditions

Traveling outside Shaher Kotda

Observational Principles for Informality in Shaher Kotda

The Public Realm

Preserving the Elegance: Future of Shaher Kotda