
Faculty: Shubhra Raje

Urban Commons: a place of wellness in the city

Through the discovery of questions regarding what a health center is, rather than what it should look like, students will be required to produce a version of social infrastructure in the city through subtle but profound interventions on the site that extends critical discourse on the constituents of an environment for wellness.
We will seek opportunities in overlapping agendas within programmatic, spatial and tectonic considerations in relation to therapeutic spaces that ritualize the practice of hygiene and notion of wellness, providing an environment that is sensual and social to generate relevant questions that will catalyze the design process through the studio.
The studio will develop critical attitudes to the conventional understanding of sustainability through interdependence and multivalence. The challenge will be to intensify and expand the impact of a reduced set of operations, asking less to be more through the interweaving of functional engagements and material conditions.
The studio will develop critical attitudes to the conventional understanding of sustainability through interdependence and multivalence. The challenge will be to intensify and expand the impact of a reduced set of operations, asking less to be more through the interweaving of functional engagements and material conditions.