Utpalkumar Chimanlal Chaudhari


Re imagining the Gateway

When the populations in the cities are increased, their suburbs are exposed to the expansion of the urban space, which leads to the advancement of the cities in their vicinities. One way to understand the city is unfolding it at the Macro and Micro level. This portfolio elaborates how to make the developed area more suitable and liveable for the people through redevelopment and smart solution. Here, the first part talks about the existing precinct condition with suitable proposals, based on the issues identified from the site. The second part of the portfolio has been divided into various subparts to develop the area at a micro-level with implementation mechanism and solution. Secondly, Existing situation analysis had been done and a long-term vision had been envisaged. Based on the study of trends observed in the development of Kalupur, various proposals have been elaborated. These proposals include Transportation, Zoning & Development Control Regulations (DCR), and Special Projects, which were later on compiled into a Local area Plan along with the Costing, Financing of the Local Area Plan. 

Report Content


Character of site


Proposed Road Network

Multi-modal Hub (Proposed Movement)

Multi-modal Hub


Implementation mechanism

Costing & Revenue generation
