
Faculty: Vinod Shah | Mangesh Belsare

Form, Material, And Structure

Studio addresses the importance of the relationship between form, material and structure through different exercises. Starting with 2-D composition, students will take the same to the 3-D model. Students based on their understanding of the composition of 3-D model will make scaled up model using three materials in the form of linear, planer and bulk. At this stage of studio, students will be introduced to the basic principles of structure, material and form by taking the scaled models as a reference for the study. Understanding of structure, form and material by firsthand experience as well as cognitive understand through basic principles will be used to design the real structure based on function with scaled up model as starting point. Students at this stage will need the refinements to suit the function in the model already done. This is very important phase of studio, were the students will start making connection with abstract to real.
Final phase of the studio will help students to focus on shaping of members, design joinery details and developing overall form based on the understanding developed till the final stage of the studio.