
Faculty: Dipak Samal | Anjana Vyas | Darshana Rawal

Geospatial Analytics and Modelling

This studio entitled as Geospatial Analytics and Modeling is designed to develop analytical and modeling skill among students for solving real-world problems. Geospatial models are useful and used in a vast array of GIS applications, from a simple evaluation to the prediction of future landscapes. Several thematic areas such as urban sprawl, location intelligence, and environmental issue, etc., would be taken up where a geospatial model would be employed to address a problem. In the due course, students would learn the working principles of geospatial modeling, analyze the trends and pattern, understand the model input and output parameters as well as the processes embedded in the model. Moreover, the model performance would be evaluated with the help of primary/secondary dataset. An attempt would be made to improve the model structure/codes so as to improve model performance and better problem-solving capabilities.

Student Projects