Pranav Dhawan



An ecologically sensitive approach to observing bird habitat
The Site, a forest is a habitat providing an ecosystem in the arms of nature, about 25 km away from the main city Ahmedabad, near Thol bird Sanctuary. This complex network (Ecosystem) is blessed in a rich environment with a lot to offer including vegetation, textures, soil types, landform, shade, water but my attention was caught the most to the birds technically called as Avian fauna, but they are just not a typology of fauna they are a part of that place, they are the residents, they feed, they survive and they thrive. These birds are the most dynamic part of this ecosystem, this dynamics is what makes them most special, birds and nature are interdependent on each other in this ecosystem. A variety of birds can be found in this ecosystem at different locations on the site according to the individual nesting patterns, feeding habits, and movement pattern. For example, some birds will nest only in fruit bearing trees and some will nest in thorny bushes etc. because of this dynamic nature of birds they are worth observing and it becomes more interesting as it turns into an adventure, covering various aspects of the site. What I would like to do with this site is cling these things and observations done by me to other’s notice. I want humans to observe and equally don’t want them to intervene with their ecosystem and disturb their habitats as birds are very sensitive and might abandon this ecosystem if they feel threatened. Priority will be to propose more vegetation to buffer these habitats from human intervention, then propose pause points at suitable distances specific to the sensitivity of different species. To make these pause points identifiable I would like to design and play with the landform and vegetation of these points, creating a suitable environment for the user to observe these habitats from a distance. 

Report Content

Analysis and Observations

Zone 1 Intervention

Existing and Proposed Bird Zones

Zone 3 & 4 Intervention