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  • Co-networking: Building synergy through a new work model

Roshita Sudhir


Co-networking: Building synergy through a new work model

 Quotidian Realm studio lays emphasis on architecture as a product of its time.  The studio embarked on its journey by attempting to understand the architectural manifestos of various architects of our century through the lens of everyday.
 As 'resource' is  a key concern of our time and plays an integral role in our everyday, adequate importance was placed on it.  Attempts were made to gain a deeper understanding of the socio-economic and environmental  factors that can potentially shape the 'production of architecture' of our century.

Report Content

Understanding an architectural manifesto

Decoding the system: Analysis of the architect's work

Design time problem: Fragile ecosystems

Formulation of program, Site context and Documentation

Key concerns, Design strategies & Identification of user groups

Co-working space layout and Sections

Master plan, Connecting neighborhood spaces and Bridge details

Section walk

Multi-use of public spaces