Srishti Sudhera


The Planned Town of Panchkula

One of the youngest urban areas in the country and less than five decades old, the town of Panchkula  is free from banes like traffic jams, claustrophobic tiny living quarters and narrow dingy streets. This can be attributed to the fact that it is essentially an infant in city years and planned based on the Chandigarh planning model. It is a Government driven development with no private developer involvement. These factors have ensured uniform sector planning, even distribution of population density and green space distribution across the town.

Report Content

1. Introduction to the town and precinct

2.History and evolution of Panchkula

3. Street hierarchy and safety

4. Walkability and street activity

5. Sector planning and comparative analysis

6. Case study: Town park activity mapping

7. Masterplan and built form

8. Bye-laws and comparative analysis

9. Economy, employment and jobs

10. Transport Choices