Jaimin Naresh Bali


City as a Single Infrastructure: Streets

Cities function as a cohesive system composed of different sets of infrastructure such as social, cultural, economical, political, residential, ecological and transport. Each of these have interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships. Thus, lack or excess of any one set of infrastructure largely affects or disrupts the entire network. Current paradoxical situation is a result of many such systems which fail to strike a balance between what is required and what is being offered.This project focuses on transport infrastructure. The aim is to integrate built edge and street edge to create opportunity of interaction thorough regulations.

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Report Content

Chrono matrix- understanding the history of Mumbai through the policies and how policies and their impacts have shaped the city.

City Profile- understanding the demographics of the city.

Manifesto- City as Infrastructure

Analysis and Strategy- Kamala Mills

Structure Plan

Urban Condition-1

Urban Condition-2

Urban Condition-3

Urban Condition-4

Comparison Matrix- Streets are often treated in isolation and only in between the row, due to which problems like congestion occur as the adjoining built form does not relate to the street causing narrow lanes in-between tall building. By integrating the built edge and street edge, it creates opportunity for interaction making streets as active open spaces.