Mapping and Data Representation


The exercise takes the students to an urban environment which they strive to understand and  analyse through mapping. The initial stages involve the preparation of the base  map of the selected urban environment, onto which  specific data is later collected. Though brief, the  exercise introduces the students to both static and  dynamic mapping, and to software-based analysis of the data. It allows for variety in the nature of  the data collected: from mapping of domestic and  commercial activities, to mapping of biodiversity,  signage and various movements.  
The observations and analysis guide the choice  of representation in adding a layer of meaning to the map. The final representation, accompanied by a more detailed written analysis, constitutes an  immediate way of communicating the variety of  human interaction with various spaces. As multiple  students’ work comes together, the layers added to  the map permit preliminary observations of possible  connections between the studies conducted in a  particular area.