Rishabh Jain


Children's Library at Loving Community

Designing a library for a community like the Loving community, where people face not just economic difficulties, but are ailing from diseases like leprosy, cannot emerge merely from the concept and ideas. It has to take into consideration the problems faced by the community as a whole. The main idea was to create slopes on opposite sides of a solid mass, which would enable connections to web formed within the community in the form of a common space. Creating all the entrances from the roof which takes one down to the different spaces helps in creating different experiences all together.
Please click on the link below to view the entire portfolio :

Report Content

-Ideal Reading Space narrative. - Image for the intervention

- Intervention in the image. - Gauging the scale.

-Plan of the Intervention -Model of the Intervention

Site Plan with the Intervention

Diagrams showing the evolution in the mass and the changing patterns of the streets .

Evolution Diagrams.

Evolution Diagrams

Context Ground Floor Plan

Ground Floor Plan and The Longitudinal Section

Exploded Axonometric view.