P K Sudarshan


Ahmedabad Stock Exchange- An Urban Hybrid

If we look at national economy and wealth of the nation it could be divided and layered . The equity of the stocks becomes a value definitely that cannot be neglected. Stock exchange which is the given program for this project becomes an important layer that’s submerged within other layers without definite boundaries of a bigger picture of the economy of the nation. Other layers of economy are superimposed on the stock market.We can recognize layers based on chronological order of construction in any given Urban built fabric. Here I have derived a layer of buildings which were built 150-200 years ago which adds to the heritage of the city which is marked in red. I am proposing to build this new structure as a superimposition on this layer as a method of preserving these old structures and also using them and creating a site so the new layer can be injected and it becomes a hybrid layer.  

Report Content

Design position

Site selection

Process and Interpretation

Process and Isometric view

Zoning and Edge condition



Arial view from Bhadra fort


Ground and First floor plans