Nirali Shah



In recent times with increase in numerous technology , crafts does not remain only limited to hand-made but also collaboration of different techniques , design innovation , experimentation .It considers a mix of cultures , materials and crafts . The future is co-existence along with mass-customisation leading to mass- production , hence the future of craft will be maximalism..
Project Name :  Play-thora.
Function :   CEPT Shop + Material Maze + Escape Room.
Location :  In place of Hutheesing Art Centre building .
Craft Techniques :  Wood Turning , Wood Carving ; Metal Casting , Metal Punching , Metal Bending ; Lippan Work ; Tarkashi ;  ;  Block Printing
Portfolio link video link

Report Content

Know and Ideate: Notions of Craft production, Interior practice, Vision of Future and craft position

Ideate : Theoretical position of Craft+future=?

Ideate: Abstraction of Theoretical position through a model of cube

Develop : Project Vision

Develop : experience

Develop : Interior Experience & Organization

Develop : Design Position

Develop and make : Language of interior design through craft design elements

Develop and make : Language of interior design through craft design elements

Develop and make : Language of interior design through craft design elements