Haiya Ketan Dalal



(UN)COMMON is a project that forms observations around water systems of the city that are entitled ‘common’. The term ‘Common’ typically means belonging or shared equally amongst assorted individuals. If we delve into the definition closely, one might argue, it should extend beyond humans to encompass everything living in the city. (UN) COMMON is an idea that takes on this unusual definition to envisage what the idea of urban commons in the city could be like.
Link to the website- https://www.dwice.online/haiya

Report Content

Campus Scale Mapping- Ground Water

Campus Scale Speculation through a DEWATS system for converting the 60% dissipated greywater to portable water

The mapping explores the relationship of water with the city through the lens of urban lakes.

Observing the definitions and the past of the lakes, we conclude that the lakes are not only different from each other but are also different from how they were 20 years ago.

Hidden Creaks- The map portrays hidden creeks of Ahmedabad City before the city started urbanizing

Ecological Delineate- The map illustrates allusive representation of the existing site of human-imposed design infrastructures along with traces of different fragmented ecosystems co-existing

Ornamental Canopy

Plugged Trail

Living Chamber

Front Porch