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  • Strategic Transport Plan Rajkot 2041: Public Transport

Riddhi Patel


Strategic Transport Plan Rajkot 2041: Public Transport

The portfolio represents the work undertaken for preparing strategic transportation plan and understand its preparation process. The process involved data collection of Rajkot with respect to land use, transport, and socio-economic characteristics while understanding the existing transportation of the city, followed by analysis and problem identification for the same. Through the study, key future growth areas based on spatial built and economy centers were speculated. This led to laying out a vision for the future and objectives and strategies were built to achieve them, which were incorporated in detailed projects which holistically aimed for a strategic transport plan for the future. A proposal for upgrading the Public Transport System was given which focused on improving the PT network, providing an advanced and reliable system, resulting in lesser waiting time and high mobility, resulting in increased PT mode share for the future.

Report Content


Studio Framework

Existing Situation Analysis

Existing Situation Analysis

Existing Situation Analysis

Growth Concept

Mobility Vision for Rajkot 2041

Up-gradation of Public Transport System

Up-gradation of Public Transport System

Up-gradation of Public Transport System