Shah Diksha Dharmeshkumar



Engineering drawing is a studio based subject which focuses on visualizing objects in different manners from different angles and presenting it on sheet to simplify it. It subject which helps understanding the physical representation of different objects, positioning of existing lines and planes in 3D with help planar representation, understanding how the different perspectives of the object play an important role and how we can derive the realistic picture of it by different point plotting and joining through lines.

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construction of a regular heptagon

construction of regular polygons

intersection of solids-object-cone and cylinder

isometric view of solids-object-pentagonal and hexagonal prism

sectioning of solids-object-pentagonal prism and pyramid

projection of solids-object-pentagonal prism and square pyramid

projection of solids-object-hexagonal pyramid and cylinder

inclined sectioning of objects with development of surfaces-object-cylinder