One Step at a Time: Documenting Process through Image and Text


In the sweep of our academic and professional lives, with the completion of every project, every stage, we jump into the next one, with little time to engage with what has happened. And yet, the practice of thinking through the process and the outcome, trying to capture it through various perspectives, is valuable for the individual and team who have worked on it, and for others whose approaches to similar situations have been somewhat different. 

One Step at a Time is our invitation to pause and go back to what we have done as part of studio practice, through different genres: be it introductory text that can accompany our work in exhibitions and online when we put together a portfolio, or longer, more detailed descriptions and analyses of processes, explaining to someone who has not taken the same steps the logic of the journey leading us to where we reached.

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E3.1 Writing Exhibition Text for Studio Work

E3.1 Writing Exhibition Text for Studio Work